Reminder: Love Letter to the Person in My Dead Body Trying to Feel Alive

Remember that scars are reminders

of hurt, harm, and heartbreak from a previous

life you now struggle not to forget.


Remember that healing yourself

birthed these scars

& this journey you willingly scold yourself not to

blur out of your mind's eye, because

however painful, are pictures in the photo album

you titled growth.


Remember that walking in a sea

of dead bodies reminds you how to feel

alive, how to be whole even when parts of your being

is lost.


Remember to wear your successes like the topmost layer of your skin

never to be pulled off, to shave off shame & doubt when you take

long baths each night while you rub between your legs & make love to


burn candles to your chi, let her be with & within you

to remind you of the love, life, laughter that you're deserving of.


Remember to always find the path back to yourself

because you would never be at home

anywhere else.

Amarachi Nnoli

Amarachukwu Nnoli is an English and literature student at the University of Benin. She runs a blog in her spare time, has works on U-Right magazine,, among others. She enjoys trying out different Igbó soups when she's not fighting for the rights of women in the patriarchal Nigerian society. 

Amara basks in the solace that the Igbó language gives her, which can be seen scattered logically throughout her works. You can also catch Amara reading books, stalking creatives/writers on the internet, or mostly sitting quietly observing people and nature. 


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