Learning To Say Goodbye

I've learned to leave him in dark places, In feelings I cannot put into words without spilling my heart's content, in dusty shelves that reek abandonment and broken vases that wither flowers, I've learned to stitch his name into nothingness, in the smell of midnight I do not remember when I kiss the sun hello in another day, in breathless unexplainable feelings that teach my heart to solid up, in the hopelessness of goodbyes and in the betweens of tomorrow, in the finality of silence and in the noise of pain, I've learned to leave him in horrid daylight memories of my bruised heart, in stories that make me understand the depths of pain, and the unending cycle of falling in love.

I've learned to leave him in places, I do not exist.


Shalom Chidueme is an author of a best selling anthology love and some letters on litereso, a co-author of Dear Queen on Okada Books. She loves reading, and writing comes naturally to her. She believes words are powerful enough to change the world, you can find her on Instagram @shalomm_m


What Will Tomorrow Bring?


October, 2020